Difficulties in communication for individuals, for couples, or for two people in conflict; other life issues, particularly at this time with current external pressures and world events
For example:
About Psychosexual and Relationship Counselling:
Couples often find it easier to talk about sex and their relationship with a non-judgemental third party in the room, because the third party can facilitate and encourage openness in a safe space, and reflect back issues to both parties in language that does not contain blame and judgement. When a deeper connection forms between two people, they can then solve their problems from a place of self awareness and understanding of the other. Individuals may just want someone to talk to about complex personal issues that have got in the way of easy relating to others.
Some sexual problems are physical and could result from disability, illness, difficult birth-giving, life threatening accidents, or a side effect of medication. You may have already sought medical expertise and tests to establish this aspect, and we will discuss this, and explore the impact of medical intervention on your sense of your body.
Some problems are psychological, originating in negative and shaming childhood messages, physical assaults or accidents, or sexual trauma. Some difficulties can stem from current communication and interpersonal problems, for example a serious imbalance of power within a relationship. Evidence is that the majority of difficulties have a combination of physical and psychological elements, and both need attention. The body records all that happens to it, and will react when a negative trigger occurs. People usually revert to one or two of their best defensive mechanisms, which are fight, flight, freeze or fawn (placate). These defence mechanisms keep people temporarily safe, but do not lead to resolution, hence people repeat their patterns, either by continuing to fight, or avoid conflict or pushing conflict "under the carpet".
Unravelling psychological and relational problems that aren't sorting themselves out and are making life less than wonderful, is the job of therapy. These problems might be long-term, or something that has emerged recently, due to the stresses, anxiety and strain caused by the demands of modern life, and the rising cost of living. Once they are unravelled and explored, it is easier to let go of what you don't need, and bring in what you do need in order to find acceptance and peace of mind, and make warm and safe connections with others.
What Benefits can be Expected?
Some examples:
interpretation, analysis, or labelling
life, for example lightening up and letting go of some old pain
if wanted
and many more according your unique situation.